Hacking: A Double-Edged Sword in the Digital Age | What is Hacking | Cyber security | How to become a Hacker


The act of gaining unauthorised access to computer systems, networks, or data is referred to as hacking. Often, the goal is to modify, steal, or disrupt data. Hacking can involve getting beyond security measures and taking control of targeted systems by taking advantage of flaws in hardware, software, or human behaviour.

It's vital to remember that the phrase "hacking" is neutral, meaning it can refer to both positive and negative activities. White-hat hacking, commonly referred to as ethical hacking, is the legal and responsible process of finding weaknesses in systems in order to increase their security. On the other side, malevolent hacking, commonly referred to as black-hat hacking, entails unapproved and frequently unlawful acts intended to do harm, steal information, or interrupt services.

It's critical to distinguish between malevolent hacking, which engages in illegal activities and puts people, organisations, and society at large at danger, and ethical hacking, which concentrates on system security and protecting against cyber threats.

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        - Arsh rahman

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How to be safe from Hackers - Click here 

How to learn Hacking - Click here 

Computer security definition and kinds - Click here 

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