What is a denial of service (DOS) attack ? How to prevent DOS attack | types of DOS attack


blocking of a website, network, or online service by flooding it with traffic or requests. By using the target system's resources, such as CPU, memory, or bandwidth, a DOS attack seeks to bar legitimate users from using it.

While DOS assaults can take many different forms, they typically entail sending the target system a huge number of requests or data packets in a short period of time. This may be done by utilising botnets, which are controlled networks of hacked devices, or by employing various strategies to produce a lot of traffic.

Different DOS assaults come in the following forms:

Attacks known as "volumetric" are designed to overwhelm the target system's resources with a large volume of traffic, resulting in a slowdown or crash. UDP flooding, ICMP flooding, and DNS amplification assaults are a few examples.

Protocol assaults: These attacks take advantage of flaws in the target system's communication protocols to bring it to a halt or render it unresponsive. SYN floods and Ping of Death assaults are two examples.
Attacks on the application layer: These attacks bombard the target system's web server or database with a huge number of requests in an effort to compromise it. HTTP floods and Slowloris attacks are two examples.

For both people and companies, DOS assaults may result in significant disruptions and monetary losses. Thus, it's crucial to implement appropriate security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and traffic filtering, to reduce the danger of DOS assaults.

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  • How to be Safe From Dos Attack.
You can think about taking the following actions to defend yourself or your business against a DOS (Denial of Service) attack:

Employ a content delivery network (CDN) to disperse traffic among several servers and areas to lessen the impact of denial-of-service (DoS) assaults.

Firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems should be used to monitor incoming traffic and block any harmful activity.

Use traffic-shaping and rate-limiting strategies: By restricting the amount of data that may reach your network, rate-limiting and traffic-shaping techniques can help reduce the effect of DOS assaults.

Ensure that your operating system and applications are constantly updated to address any known vulnerabilities that might be used by attackers.

Utilize anti-malware and anti-virus software: To identify and get rid of any unwanted software that may be used to launch DOS assaults, use anti-malware and anti-virus software.

Employee education: Inform your staff of the dangers of DOS assaults and how to spot and report any unusual behaviour.

Also, it's critical to have a plan in place for reacting to DOS assaults, which should include determining the attack's origin, minimising its effects, and returning to regular operations. You may lessen the possibility of DOS attacks and safeguard your network and resources against malicious traffic by putting these steps into practise and creating a response plan.

       Created by Arsh rahman

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